Monday, August 4, 2008

On the Road Again . . . Tetanus Shot Arby's Playground . . . 2650 Miles . . . We're Home! - New Hampshire Trip - Day 15

We left Connecticut at 6:30 Friday morning, and pulled into our driveway at 11:30 Friday night. It was such a long day, but the weather was perfect, and we didn't run into any major traffic. It was a great day to travel.
Our total mileage for our trip was 2,650 miles! It was well worth it! We had such an amazing time. It was so special to have my parents with us for this trip, too. I know it mean a lot to them.

I was so glad that I was able to share all of my special places with the girls and Jeff. I know we'll get back up there someday, but it won't be for a long time.

I'm glad that I was able to keep up with my posting so that the girls will have these written memories years from now to look back on. Elaina learned so much on our trip, and I'm sure Emily had great experiences that helped her grow, too.

For lunch, we stopped somewhere in PA at an Arby's. We had to laugh because it was such an old Arby's. It had one of those playgrounds that I like to call "tetanus shot playgrounds." You know, the old metal ones. Well, Elaina decided to discover the metal curly slide. She's fearless. She got to the top, and went down. She did somersaults the whole way down banging her head. She was screaming and crying as she got to the bottom. But, of course, she dried her tears and asked to go down it again! I made Jeff go down it with her the second time. She's so brave. She was not happy that I made Jeff go down it with her. She wanted to do it again all by herself.
Well, we're home, and we're exhausted. We're trying to catch up on two weeks worth of mail and newspapers. It feels good to be home, but it was sad to have our vacation end. Thanks to all who prayed for us along the way. To my family on the East Coast - you are much loved by us out here in Indiana. Thank you for a wonderful two weeks and many special memories. You're the best!

Elaina playing "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" at a Cracker Barrel pit stop. Elaina and her Poppy play this game together. It's really special.

The Tetanus Shot Arby's Playground somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania

1 comment:

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

Old playgrounds are the best! They don't make them like that anymore. I would love to find an old playground and take the girls too it.