Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Saying Goodbye - New Hampshire Trip - Day 10

Sunday was the day that our stay ended in New Hampshire. We had to say goodbye to family, and that was sad. We had breakfast one last time on this trip at Bea's before we headed out. It was so wonderful to see everyone again, and we had such a wonderful time. We really enjoyed the place that we stayed as well. There are so many places to stay, but if you're ever in the area, we really enjoyed the Saco River Motor Lodge http://www.sacorivermotorlodge.com/. I can't explain how special it was to share all of the fun things that I did as a little girl with Jeff and our girls. Having my parents with us made the trip even more special. I am so thankful that we were able to make the trip. I love my family so much. Even though we live so far away and don't get to see each other that often, I am thankful that I have been able to have wonderful memories of them. We look forward to visiting our family again in New Hampshire. It is truly a beautiful place!

Elaina, Aunt Penny, and Emily

Stephanie, Elaina, Uncle Ernie, Aunt Donna, and Emily

Aunt Donna and Emily

Breakfast at Bea's is so yummy!

This is Emily and her special cabinet at the place where we stayed. She played in this cabinet ALL week. We called it her little "treasure chest." If we were missing something, we finally started realizing that this cabinet is where we should look first. Sure enough, Emily usually had snatched our belongings, her toys, sippy cup, shoes, etc . . . and put them in "her cabinet." She loved to open the door to see what was inside and slam it shut again. This would keep her entertained for long periods of time. It was so much fun to watch her play!

Our family outside our little apartment for the week.

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